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  • corporate-banking-EN

Backed by extensive expertise and global knowledge in infrastructure and industrial projects, Arab Bank’s corporate finance solutions match clients’ business needs and are designed to address requirements ranging from general business to project-specific mandates. The corporate finance offering includes:

With vast experience in infrastructure and various strategic projects, Arab Bank works with companies across sectors as a prominent financier in Lebanon. The Bank also provides customized financing solutions to clients with different requirements and mandates.

  • Revolving Lines of Credit/ Overdrafts 

    Arab Bank provides revolving and overdrafts facilities covering short-term working capital requirements for trading and industrial activities.

  • Term Financing
    Arab Bank provides term finance facilities over an agreed term, covering specific capital expenditure requirements.

  • Pre-Import and Export Financing

    Arab Bank financing solutions extend to pre-import and export financing, enabling clients to expand their businesses while improving their cash flow.

Arab Bank has collaborated with local, regional and international organizations, such as the European Investment Bank, the Central Bank of Lebanon and KAFALAT to provide integrated solutions that meet clients’ needs and leverage their competitiveness in the market.

Terms and conditions apply.

With vast experience in infrastructure and various strategic projects, Arab Bank works with companies across sectors as a prominent financier in Lebanon.

Arab Bank offers term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects.

Arab Bank offers term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects.